Thursday, May 15, 2008

Good Bye Blue Star!!

My time at Blue Star as a Student Teacher is now over. I had a blast getting to know the students of Blue Star. Each student, parent and teacher truly made my experience a great success. I will always remember my fun times and everything I learned here at this school. Thank-you to everyone who helped create a welcoming and fun atmosphere for me to do my student teaching!

I will be back in the building to substitute for teachers.

I will also be back for Track and Field Day as well as the class field trip!

See you all very soon. I hope you will keep in touch!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

National Turn Off the TV Week!!!!

“Television… Is an anti-experience and an anti-knowledge machine because it separates individuals from themselves and from the environment and makes them believe they are living while they are only observing passively what other people decide to make them see.” –Dr. Silvana Montanaro, MD, Psychiartist

“The primary danger of the television screen lies not so much in the behavior it produces as the behavior it prevents… Turning on the television set can turn off the process that transforms children into adults.” – Urie Bronfenbrenner, Professor at Cornell University

Facts about TV:
• Number of minutes per week that parents spend in meaningful conversation with their children: 38.5
• Number of minutes per week that the average child watches television: 1,680
• Hours per year the average American youth spends in school: 900 hours
• Hours per year the average American youth watches television: 1500
• Percentage of Americans that regularly watch television while eating dinner: 66

Ideas of things to do:
1. Play a game
2. Read a book, magazine or newspaper silently or aloud
3. Put a puzzle together
4. Visit the library.
5. Go to a park
6. Go on a walk or run
7. Paint a picture
8. Attend a high school sporting event
9. Go to a play
10. Plant a flower
11. Cook a meal with your parent
12. Go bird watching
13. Have a picnic
14. Play with your pet
15. Take a nature walk
16. Write a letter to someone
17. Call a relative in another state or city
18. Learn some new riddles or jokes.
19. Bake a cake or cookies
20. Go fishing

Miss Iehl is challenging ALL of you to take part in National Turn off the TV Week!!!
Record what you did instead of watching TV for each day of the week.
Ask your parent sign each day you “turned off the TV”.
At the end of the week I will check for those of you who successfully “turned off the TV”!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Break To do list!

You should have found a "to do" list stapled in your child's homework journal.

To Do:
*Finish Historical Fiction book. There is no need to work on the project, there will be class time after break to get started.

*Finish Literature Circle book.

*The first Monday we return section 4 job is due.

*The Wednesday we return section 5 (the last section) job is due.

*Have fun and play outside!!

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable spring break!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Homework 3/24 to 3/28

** Literature Circles- read section 3 and make sure you do the correct job!
** You should have Chapters 1-4 read. 14b was due on Thursday.
** Keep reading your historical fiction and start working on your monthly book project!

** Finishing up with simple machines.
** Do REVIEW SHEET Due: Monday
** Test is on Tuesday
Building compound machine (with at least two simple machines) in class
- Guidelines for this project are in the science journal.
-Work on written report and plan oral report.

** Work on poems.
** Poetry Portfolio due April 23rd.
- Project must include 4 poems and 4 rough drafts and 4 justifications.

Any questions please contact me at anytime!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Biography Wax Museum

Blue Star Fifth Graders all read a biography. As a follow-up project they created a biography portfolio of the person they selected. Students wrote obituaries, birth announcements, comic strips, speeches, and more for their projects. To end our Biography unit the students memorized a speech and put together a costume for their person.

Each class held a Wax Museum/Biography Brunch. The students invited their parents to come and "push their buttons" while they learned facts about many famous people. Students represented a wide range of people, from Harriett Tubman to Peyton Manning.

Below are pictures of the students during the Wax Museum.

Above: Mr. Buursma's Class

Below: Mrs. Newhouse's Class

Above is Jake Kessler and a crowd. Family, friends, and other students attended the Wax Museum.

Spring is in the air!!

The birds are singing and so am I! I can't wait for spring- March 20th!!

I hope you found the 5th grade newsletter in your child's Friday folder, but if not below are some updates!

Reading: We have started our new literature circles and the first discussion day will be Wednesday day the 19th! Our goal for these literature circles is to have effective discussions of the reading.

Science: Continuing work with Lego's to learn about simple machines. Try identifying simple machines in your everyday life with your child!

Social Studies: The geography unit is wrapping up with a test on Wednesday the 19th. Please help your child study using the review sheet they received on Thursday of this week!

On March 28th Aleca Stewart's father and his co-workers from Siemens will present a science lesson to our fifth graders. Make sure to ask your students what they learned!

We have a local celebrity in our classroom!!! Anna Schaub was featured in the Allegan County News as a part of an article about our Biography Brunches! If you would like a copy of this article/picture come to our classroom- we have TONS of copies!

A BIG thank-you to all the parents for their flexibility and cooperation with our new spring conferences. I think all of the students learned a lot about themselves and technology as they produced their student-led conference. Also, thank-you for your feedback. Your opinions and impressions are an important part of our improvement for the future! If you have an questions that were not answered at conferences please e-mail or call anytime!

Spring break is fast approaching (starting Friday, April 4th!). We have A LOT to do before then, so help your child stay organized and motivated as the weather gets nice and homework takes a back burner to trampolines and basketball!

Thank-you for all of your support- Blue Star has WONDERFUL parents!!

Friday, March 7, 2008


March is finally here and hopefully spring is just around the corner!

Exciting things are happening in 5th grade at Blue Star, as usual!

We are beginning our new literature circles. Students choose their books on Wednesday and we will begin reading and preparing for our discussion Wednesdays next week.

We will also begin our next reading unit next week. As a class we will be reading Guests.

In social studies students are working on a group presentation of a region of the United States. Each group has 4 to 6 states in which they will put together a 5 to 10 minute presentation on the various human and physical characteristics of their place. These presentations will be at the end of next week.

I will soon be finishing my time in Social Studies and move into science and math before I am finished student teaching a Blue Star.

I was wonderful to meet all of the parents at conferences. I hope you enjoyed your student lead conference and gained some insight as to how your student views their progress.

As always, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me or Mrs. Newhouse!